The Customer

It is the little things that make a big impact which build a strong customer connection.

The Session:

What do we want as customers? What makes our customers different from us? How do we show and deliver value to our customers? How do we build long lasting and positive relationships with our customers – even when it’s a challenging environment?

Focus, an open perspective and a pro-active, problem-solving approach – from initial point of contact to follow-up stages – create a positive relationship with “the customer” and bring results that benefit both sides.

At the end of this session you will have:
  • Learned how to build a proactive, problem-solving culture with internal clients.  From initial point of contact to follow-up stages.
  • Learned how to say no when needed, how to obtain information and trigger necessary customer actions (i.e. sharing essential information, communicating with their clients or a third party to resolve an issue).  Will also cover phone and e-mail communications.
  • Mast

Contact Information:

Phone: + 732-547-9491

Email: [email protected]

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