Great Feedback

We can’t control others – they are not puppets nor are we master puppeteers. What we can be, however, is candid and timely with our feedback. Research shows that feedback is the ultimate tool in helping others make impactful long-term behavioral changes. Why not use it?

The Session:

Feedback can be the vehicle for a transformational experience. With it, we create awareness, dialogue, change and improvement. Without it, we can continue to fumble blindly hoping we are getting it right.

Giving great feedback means being transparent and specific. It also means giving “just in time” feedback so it is understandable and actionable. This is not about watering down your message, this is about having an honest dialogue that focuses on development, results and success.

This session provides tools and techniques to give feedback that helps you and your team succeed, drives results and focuses on strengthening relationships and team performance.

At the end of this session you will have:
  • Tried out a high impact 3 step process for giving feedback.
  • Learned how to manage negative or unexpected reactions to feedback.
  • Identified the challenges about giving feedback to people with more power and come up with some tactics to overcome them.
  • Pinpointed what you need to do to give great feedback.

Contact Information:

Phone: + 732-547-9491

Email: [email protected]

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