Workplace Communication Workshop Series

workplace communication workshops

Clear. Succinct. Relevant. Engaging. Powerful. All skills we associate with great communicators and just some of the skills we explore in our Communication Workshop Series. The series is designed to be highly interactive and help you attain the skills you need to thrive and leap forward in your role.

Leveraging Your Work and Communication Style

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • “He’s driving me crazy with all his emails.”  
  • “She’s going to bite my head off!” 
  • “Don’t bother with all that research – he’ll never look at it anyway!” 
  • “I went in to ask a simple question – two hours later I still did not have an answer.” 

How can we get past this negative dialogue and focus on productive dialogue?  Learn how to use your natural talents to leverage your work and communication style.

Get Your Message and Meaning Heard

You prepared for this conversation, you drafted and re-drafted that email, yet nothing happened. The best intent will not guarantee immediate or great results. What will put you on the road to accomplishing your goal is ensuring others hear you – and that you are also hearing what they have to say.

Difficult Conversations

It’s that conversation that will strengthen your working dynamic or break it. Perhaps it’s some bad news, it’s about a disappointing behavior, or it’s discussing your difficulties with a situation. Whatever the topic, there is a way to share “crucial” information so that everyone emerges wiser, stronger and able to move forward.

Get Results

What gets in the way of results? Are we too invested in our way of seeing things? Could we open up to greater opportunities if we looked at things through a new lens?

workplace communication workshops

Contact Information:

Phone: + 732-547-9491

Email: [email protected]

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