Dec 22, 2021 | Blog, Resources
I’m sure you have heard the old saying “leaders are not made, they are born.” While this slogan can be appealing to natural leaders, it is quite far from the truth. The truth is that leadership is a skill that can be honed and developed. If a person is brave enough to step up to the plate, anyone can be a great leader. In many instances, leaders are not necessarily the first people to raise their hands and volunteer.
Jul 6, 2020 | Blog
Resilience Does Not Equal Great Leadership
To grow and become our best selves, we must practice self-leadership to elevate our game. This means upgrading how we think, feel, observe and understand the world around us, even creating new stories that will help us explain what it all means. No easy task, requiring adaptive responses to challenging times. All of this is predicated on awareness and choice. We have a choice of how we build our resilience and we have a choice, after bouncing back, to further our development as effective leaders. Resilience does not equal great leadership, but it does give us the choice to become great leaders. So, what will we choose?
Jun 30, 2020 | Blog
Rather than showcasing as a hero in shining armor, a courageous leader makes the tough choices in the quiet moments when no one is looking.
Apr 30, 2020 | Blog, In The News
This time, when we are forced to slow down and connect in a very different way, has allowed for deeper introspection and opportunity to discover how we can create a better and brighter future. It is clear how past leadership – or lack of – is impacting how effectively teams guide their way through such a vulnerable and confusing time.