Leadership and Management Series

leadership training

What is the difference between an extraordinary leader and one who just has a leadership title? How can a manager motivate, get results, and drive his/her team to success?

Communication, strategic thinking, engagement, team leadership. These are just some of the concepts we explore in our Leadership and Management Workshop Series. They are designed to be highly interactive and help you attain the skills you need to thrive and leap forward in your role.


Developing Leaders

We can improve our impact as leaders by understanding how our leadership style affects others and how we can leverage it to engage our staff and use it to make better decisions. Develop leaders with this executive training workshop!

A Manager’s World

What does it mean to be a manager? What does my staff expect? What does my boss expect? Having a clear answer on these questions establishes a strong foundation for being a successful manager. This training program focuses on how to establish that foundation.

You’re the Boss!

You worked hard to get the promotion. You deserve it – now what? Often, new managers get trapped in their own history and miss the opportunity to move forward and be successful in their new roles. Learning to let go, trusting in your new team and re-defining what it means to be successful can help you and the team benefit from your new role. Becoming the leader you’d want to have yourself is a challenging, yet rewarding transformation.

High Points

Your team has always been a good one – now it’s the time to make it great! Having been a manager for a while, you know how to deal with the “low points” of business life’s roller coaster. Let’s spend more time at the “high points” and focus on the positives to keep the team moving forward in a productive direction.

The Big Picture

Are you looking at the big picture? Learn how to make yourself an asset and turn yourself into a real player rather than the new kid at the management table. In order to evolve from a junior manager to one with more senior standing, we need to change how we make decisions as we move up in the organization. Aleman & Associates helps newer managers and leaders look at the big picture to realize how to make those decisions.

Great Feedback

We can’t control others – they are not puppets nor are we master puppeteers. What we can be is candid and timely with our feedback. Research shows that feedback is the ultimate tool in helping others make impactful long-term behavioral changes. Why not use it?


developing leadership training

Contact Information:

Phone: + 732-547-9491

Email: [email protected]

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