Executive & Leadership Coaching

team leadership coaching

What makes leaders successful?

What enables them to rise above the daily challenges of the business while keeping a close eye on the needs of their very human staff? There is no formula, magic or app for this type of success. In our work with great leaders, we find they are constantly learning and are never satisfied with the status quo. What they may need is an objective third eye to help them figure out where to focus their strengths, identify which blind spots are obstacles to their goals and need to be addressed, and work on realizing their potential with some practical changes/tips they can immediately put into play.

The idea behind coaching a leader is to work with them to achieve their goals while recognizing the opportunities and constraints they encounter in their work lives. Beyond this, it is to help leaders see past their immediate circle and realize the positive impact they can have on the organization’s success if they focus their own and their team’s strengths on the things that matter — the important things that get pushed aside by distractions and busywork.

Aleman & Associates has been helping leaders reach their potential since 2003. With hundreds of hours of coaching experience, we carefully integrate assessment data and feedback to foster a new awareness which helps our clients build on key strengths and identify blind spots. The next step is to incorporate new ideas and perspectives into their portfolio which they can use to change their behaviors in order to achieve their organization’s goals and make them strong and effective leaders.

Success Stories

We’ve worked with titans of industry to improve the performance of their leadership teams from the director level to the C-suite. With a client portfolio like Penn State, McGraw Hill, Pandora, Prudential, and Verizon, we’re no strangers to the challenges of corporate. Check out some of our success stories with past clients to get a tangible look at the changes we implement with our executive coaching program!

corporate leadership coaching

Contact Information:

Phone: + 732-547-9491

Email: [email protected]

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